
sábado, 8 de mayo de 2021

8. Bonita madurez. Nice maturity. Belle maturité.


15 comentarios:

  1. I have a soft spot for furry Black men. I love all of these guys you have posted today.

  2. Thanks a lot, Jimmy. Mature men are also nice and beautiful, here we have some examples about. I agree, furry black men at this post are really attractives.
    (I hope you can read comments in other languages -spanish, french- translated to english). Hugs and kisses for you. Henri.

    1. No, I cannot figure out how to translate the other comments. I see no translate tab on your page. But I still love the type of men you post. Smooch!

    2. Jimmy, sorry to bother you. I live in the US and whenever I click Henry's or another blogger or I follow I always get a little note on top of page asking if I want to translate from, Spanish, French, Italian, whatever. I always click "No" although my knowledge of French is very very limited. I am surprised you don't.

    3. Hi Tony, on other blogs I have seen and used the tab you refer to, but not here on this site. BTW,..bother me anytime!

    4. Okkidokkie, my friend. Thanks for replying, good to know!!

  3. Hello Henri c'est comme les bons vins de Suisse de France ou d'Espagne voire d'Italie quand ils sont à maturité il faut les boire sans restriction les photos de ce poste sont à déguster sans restriction comme Jimmy j'aime beaucoup le noir assis sur le banc lui il est en pleine maturité bisous de Suisse Philippe

    1. Hello Philippe. La maturité, en tout les sens, est une grande étape de la vie: de la vie végetale -vour les vins, par exemple- de la vie humaine. C'est vrai: à déguster en profondeur.
      Merci pou ta réflexion, très intéréssante. Bisous cher ami.

  4. Enrique, hombres maduros bien dotados y velludos. Pero hay unos que si eran menos maduros quizas eran todavia ninos o antez su pubertad.Buen trabajo sin embargo!!!
    Tonyitalian con besos y caricias.

  5. Dos o tres de ellos no han llegado a la madurez aún, si bien son todos adultos mayores de edad. Abrazos y besos, gran Tony.

  6. Respuestas
    1. Does that mean you were able to get translation ? If yes, alleluia!!!

    2. Hello Jimmy and Tony. Hope you can read the comments in other languages, translated into english, Jimmy. With the help of Tony you just arrived to "Got it, I think". And a beautiful "alleluia" from Tony.
      I have being looking my blog, and I saw the term to translate at other languages is included. Anyway, as I am not an specialist, I asked to a friend about that, with no answer till now. Please, Jimmy, tell to Tony and to me if you are able to get translation.
      Kisses, hugs, for you, for Tony.

    3. Enrique it looks like he was able to get the translation link. See his reply from 5/9/21
      Hugs and kisses to you too.

  7. Okay Tony. I'm glad Jimmy is able to translate the comments; I have term to translate included in the blog, but I don't know how readers have to use it. It has been the question that I asked a friend, still no answer. Thank you very much to help Jimmy.
    Besos y abrazos, dear friend.
