
viernes, 28 de febrero de 2020

Hombres en su plenitud masculina.

4 comentarios:

  1. Thanks to you Michel. I only whish that my posts be as nice as possible for everybody and specially for men that usually looks my posts day by day: for example, for you. You help me a lot to continue posting photographs as beautiful as I can. And you help me writing me in this difficult times when the sadness arrives to me, to my heart. Thanks a lot and always very welcome. Henri.

    1. Henri, I hope the best for you! This bad moment will pass! Be happy!

    2. Thank you very much Michel. I receive your best desires for me from a great friend like you. I hope next times will be better than now.I hope so. You are always very welcome for me. Please, continue writing here. Read your comments are always very nice and very good for me. If in the future you come to Spain, here you have a friend. Thanks a lot. Henri.
