
miércoles, 31 de agosto de 2022

31. The eyes kiss long before than the mouth. Les yeux s'embrassent bien avant que la bouche.

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TH, thank you for joining the blog. Wellcome.
TH, merci de te joindre au blog. Bienvenu. 

6 comentarios:

  1. Hello Henri oh combien est vrai l'affirmation du titre du message de ce jour les yeux sont le reflet de l'âme de l'homme et quoi de plus beau que d'y lire un sentiment d'amour j'aime beaucoup l'avant-dernière photo je te fais plein de bisous tendres et coquins Philippe

    1. Salut Philippe. Les yeux nous parlent de joie, de tristesse, ďamour, ďhaine aussi, les yeux parlent d'emotions, ďamour. Ils dissent toujours la verité, ne peuvent pas mentir. Tu as rsison: ils sont le reflets de ľâme. Quel beau commentaire, Philippe, merci beaucoup!. Henri.

  2. Hi Henri. I'm kissing with everything I have #13. Eyes, hands, mouth.
    Hope you are well.

    1. Hi Jimmy. We start to kiss with our eyes, then our hands, mouths, can also kiss: caressing, touching tenderly, and kissing itself, of course. Thank you for your comment, dear friend. Good choice of n.13th man; and 12th with his bike?. Kisses for you with my mind (I'm to far physically from you). I'm well, hope you too, dear Jimmy.

  3. Henri, Jimmy and Philippe, greetings to all of you. I am ok as well. True the eyes kiss before the mouth. Guys with great dicks, balls and pubes. Numbers 13 and 14 are my favorites though. Especially 13 Woah!!! LOL!!! Tony italian, guapeton, etc etc. ABCXYZ to all and those not here.

    1. Hello Tony. Good choice of 13th and 14th men, between all this group. Let's kiss them with the eyes. Hugs and kisses too for you, dear Tony guapetón. Henri.
